Well its that time of the year when we reach the event in the calendar of 'Halloween'. Love it or loathe it, it seems that we are embracing the whole idea from the USA, well the retailers are! So what do you give to the scarily dressed child or children that knock on your door? Sweets are an obvious choice or chocolate, but what if the children have allergies? This seems more commonplace nowadays and handing out sweets or chocolate may not seem so easy!
So, my ideas for a 'Safe' Halloween treat when a child comes to your door...what about a cheap and cheerful badge?
You could give them a Colour In Yourself Halloween Badge, this would provide them with a safe gift, as we supply them with a clip or a safety pin, to be on the safe side!! Look no further.. https://www.londonemblem.com/collections/colour-in-yourself/products/halloween-mixed-designs-colour-in-yourself-badges-1
Scarily good idea, children love a badge, whether it be a Skeleton, Pumpkin, Bat, Spider, Ghost, Witch or Bat, there is something for everyone. Maybe even the older kids would like a little Halloween Treat too. Great Party or Club Halloween Art & Craft Idea too...get colouring, clip together and you are ready to wear..no machine needed.
Wishing you all, whether school, holiday club, nursery, or mum, dad, aunty, uncle, nan or granddad a Happy & Safe Halloween!!